Saturday, January 20, 2024

Pop Skronk [Weekly Mixtape 107]

Yama Uba • John Murphy and Kim Deal • Savage Republic • Sweetheart • Scorpion Tea
Shotmaker • Stymie • Products Band • Normans • False Tracks • Auralayer • Dreamwheel
AcidSitter • Årabrot • The Holy Ghost • TSO • Mondo Generator • Sonny Vincent

Direct Download [right click + "Save As"]

Music On This Mixtape:

Yama Uba: "Facade"
taken from the album "Silhouettes"

John Murphy and Kim Deal: "Death Bats 1985"
taken from the unreleased demos "Mente with Mrs. John Murphy 1985/1986"

Savage Republic: "Mobilization"
taken from the album "Live In Wrocław January 7, 2023"

Sweetheart: "This Tour Shall Pass"
taken from the album "The Unbearable Tightness of Being"

Scorpion Tea: "Scarlet Misquote"
taken from the album "Scorpion Tea"

Shotmaker: "Drifting"
taken from the album "A Moment In Time: 1993-1996"

Stymie: "Faulty Design"
taken from the album "Toil & Folly"

Products Band: "Lab Rack"
taken from the album "Some Sudden Weather"

Normans: "Dead Snakes"
taken from the album "Normans"

False Tracks: "Suspended Animation"
taken from the album "Hymn For Terror"

Auralayer: "Shelf Black"
taken from the album "Thousand Petals"

Dreamwheel: "Chain of Fear"
taken from the album "Redeemer"

AcidSitter: "Roller Coaster"
taken from the album "Make Acid Great Again"

Årabrot: "We Want Blood"
taken from the album "Of Darkness and Light"

The Holy Ghost: "The Non-Dual"
taken from the album "Ignore Alien Orders"

TSO: "Constraint"
taken from the album "Hellcare"

Mondo Generator: "One Two Three Four"
taken from the album "We Stand Against You"

Sonny Vincent: "Awmaw"
taken from the album "Primitive 1969-1976"