Saturday, August 19, 2023

Prelude To Post [Weekly Mixtape 85]

Swans • Neurosis • Faith No More • Godflesh
Harvey Milk • Unsane • Today Is The Day • Meatjack
Bloodlet • Breach • Kiss It Goodbye • Will Haven

Direct Download [right click + "Save As"]

Music On This Mixtape:

Swans: "Power for Power"
taken from the album "Filth"

Neurosis: "Takeahnase"
taken from the album "Souls at Zero"

Faith No More: "Smaller and Smaller"
taken from the album "Angel Dust"

Godflesh: "Mantra"
taken from the album "Selfless"

Harvey Milk: "where the bee sucks, there suck i"
taken from the album "my love is higher than your assessment of what my love could be"

Unsane: "Get Off My Back"
taken from the album "Scattered, Smothered & Covered"

Today Is The Day: "Realization"
taken from the album "Today Is the Day"

Meatjack: "Lost"
taken from the album "AIM (expanded)"

Bloodlet: "Eucharist"
taken from the album "Entheogen"

Breach: "It's Me God"
taken from the album "Deadheads"

Kiss It Goodbye: "What If"
taken from the album "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not"

Will Haven: "Climbing Out This Bottle"
taken from the album "El Diablo"