Sunday, September 20, 2020

Episode 148: All Souls

Here is Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 148, featuring an interview with Tony Tornay of All Souls.

The podcast is available through the following streaming services (click to listen):
Listen on Google Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Stitcher

With members of Fatso Jetson, Black Elk, and Totimoshi, All Souls contains veterans of the West Coast desert and noise rock scenes. But in contrast to their background in making heavy and discordant music, the new project allows the Angelinos to explore more melodic and atmospheric terrain.

I spoke with drummer Tony Tornay about what brought the members of All Souls together, how they decided on their musical direction, and what makes this project different from their previous bands. We also discussed the writing and recording of their new album, Songs for the End of the World.

My thanks to Tony for speaking with me, and to you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

"The Ghost is Flying Home"
"Money Man"
taken from the album All Souls

"Twilight Times "
taken from the album Songs for the End of the World

All Souls on Facebook

All Souls on Bandcamp

All Souls on Instagram

New Noise:

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Wailin Storms
Episode 131:
Wailin Storms
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