Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mixtape 98 - Exhumed

Here is the 98th installment of the Dreams of Consciousness podcast, featuring an interview with Matt Harvey of Exhumed.

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photo by Orion Landau

My history with Exhumed goes back almost 20 years, to the release of their second album Slaughtercult. Along with Nasum, Soilent Green, and other Relapse Records signees of the late Nineties, the band can be credited with grindcore's resurgence at the turn of the millennium, as well as the proliferation of gore-grind (or as Exhumed call it, "gore fucking metal").

I spoke with Matt about Exhumed's upcoming seventh album Horror, how Sebastian Phillips (of Noisem) joined the band, and the ways that the B-horror video culture of the Eighties and Nineties influenced them. We also discussed Exhumed's legacy, and why it's the project that Matt keeps returning to.

My thanks to Matt for speaking with me, and to you for listening.


As Hammer To Anvil
taken from the album All Guts, No Glory

Ravenous Cadavers
taken from the forthcoming album Horror

Night Work
taken from the album Death Revenge

In The Name of Gore
taken from the album Anatomy Is Destiny

This Axe Was Made to Grind
taken from the album Slaughtercult

Pre-order Horror (out October 4th)

Exhumed on Facebook

Exhumed on Bandcamp

Exhumed on Instagram

Exhumed on Twitter

This Cast Was Meant To Grind:

Mixtape 30: