For your amusement (but mostly just my own): create your own KVLT blackened death-thrash band! Just mix and match words from Column A (Adjectives of Armageddon) and Column B (Nekro Nouns), and voila! You're ready to plug your cassette-only release on the NWN! message boards. Remember, it has to sound like it was made in 1985 (even if you weren't born until 1989).
Bestial | Kommand |
Genocidal | Wrath |
Atomik | War |
Nuklear | Chaos (or Kaos, or Khaos) |
Diabolikal | Desekrator |
Apokalyptik | Holokaust |
Unholy | Destruktion |
Blackened | Abomination |
Infernal | Terror |
Blasphemous | Tormentor |