Friday, September 13, 2024

Son of Skronk [Weekly Mixtape 136]

God Bullies • The Stabbing Jabs • Bye Bye Tsunami
Atom Driver • The Antikaroshi • Palmar de Troya
Shun • Desolat • Harry Cloud • Three Second Kiss
Upright Forms • Tina Fey • hijss • Rated Eye
Fuck Your Birthday • High Noon Kahuna

Direct Download [right click + "Save As"]

Music On This Mixtape:

God Bullies: "You Call This Love"
taken from the album "As Above, So Below"

The Stabbing Jabs: "F-Bomb"
taken from the album "The Stabbing Jabs"

Bye Bye Tsunami: "Eating"
taken from the album "Eating" [NSFW!]

Atom Driver: "Occupants"
taken from the album "Occupants"

The Antikaroshi: "Sticky Hands"
taken from the album "L’inertie Polaire"

Palmar de Troya: "Cold Snakes"
taken from the EP "II"

Shun: "NRNS"
taken from the album "Dismantle"

Desolat: "This Band Is Your Yoga"
taken from the album "Get Sick And Let Me Watch You Die"

Three Second Kiss: "Garum"
taken from the album "From Fire I Save The Flame"

Harry Cloud: "Is It Cool" taken from the album "Sexy Tooth Situation"

Upright Forms: "Drive At Night"
taken from the album "Blurred Wires"

Tina Fey: "I Spent My Whole Life Thinking I Would Be Ready for This Moment (but Here We Are and I'm Fucking Terrified)"
taken from the EP "In Living Memory"

hijss: "1234me"
taken from the album "stuck on common ground"

Rated Eye: "Pig's Eye"
taken from the album "Rated Eye"

Fuck Your Birthday: "Propane Accessories"
taken from the album "BBQd"

High Noon Kahuna: "Good Night God Bless"
taken from the album "This Place Is Haunted"