Saturday, January 27, 2024

Cosmic Keys [Weekly Mixtape 108]

HWWAUOCH • Hulder • Narzissus • Obsidian Tongue
Svdestada • Pharmakeia • Hyrgal • Wothrosch
W.E.B. • Far Beyond • Alfahanne

Direct Download [right click + "Save As"]

Music On This Mixtape:

HWWAUOCH: "Anthrophobia"
taken from the album "Under the Gaze of Dissolution"

Hulder: "Vessel Of Suffering"
taken from the album "Verses In Oath"

Narzissus: "Im Glanze baden"
taken from the album "Akt III: Erlösung"

Obsidian Tongue: "The Stone Heart"
taken from the album "The Stone Heart"

Svdestada: "Cierzo"
taken from the album "Candela"

Pharmakeia: "Zeal"
taken from the album "Maenadic Ecstasy"

Hyrgal: "Implorer la grâce"
taken from the single "Implorer la grâce"

Wothrosch: "Mass" (feat. Niklas Kvarforth)
taken from the album "Odium"

W.E.B.: "Necrology of Hel"
taken from the album "Into Hell Fire We Burn"

Far Beyond: "From The Stars And The Crescent Moon"
taken from the album "The End Of My Road"

Alfahanne: "Alfa omega" (feat. Nattefrost)
taken from the album "Vår tid är nu"