Tuesday, November 21, 2023

302: Krieg

Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 302 features an interview with Neill Jameson of Krieg.

[cover photo by Kassandra Carmona]

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photo by Kassandra Carmona

Founded as a one-man project by Neill "Imperial" Jameson, Krieg were one of the first black metal bands to emerge from the US. Though their earliest albums were played in the fast and chaotic style of Nineties black metal, their scope has expanded over the years to include post-punk, dark ambient, and crust.

I spoke with Neill Jameson about how a tour offer transformed Krieg from a solo project to a full band, and why the songs from his earliest recordings will probably never be performed live. We also discussed the genres that he drew inspiration from on the latest Krieg album Ruiner, and why his bandmate Alex Poole has a free hand in producing the band's albums.

My thanks to Neill for speaking with me, and to you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

"...And Now The End"
taken from the album Blue Miasma (Remastered)

"Fleshprison Monolith"
taken from the album the black house

"Photographs from an Asylum"
taken from the album The Isolationist

"Red Rooms"
"Manifested Ritual Horror"
taken from the album Ruiner


Krieg on Bandcamp

Krieg on Facebook

Neill Jameson on IG

Unsung But Malefic:

Episode 301:
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