Sunday, June 26, 2022

232: Artificial Brain

Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 232 features an interview with Samuel Smith of Artificial Brain.

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Artificial Brain belong to a new generation of underground metal bands that New York has become known for - one that combines speed, dissonance, melody, and stellar musicianship to create a sound that hearkens back to the classic death metal albums that emerged from the area, whilst simultaneously looking to the future (in both its progressive sensibility and science fiction themes).

I spoke with bassist Samuel Smith about the sci-fi concepts that connect Artificial Brain's albums, and his thoughts about their music being labeled "dissonant death metal". We also discussed why their self-titled third album may sound more melodic than previous releases, and what the future holds for Artificial Brain.

My thanks to Sam for speaking with me, and to all of you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

"Labyrinth Constellation"
taken from the album Labyrinth Constellation

"A Lofty Grave"
"Cryogenic Dreamworld"
"Insects and Android Eyes"
taken from the album Artificial Brain

"Magnetic Gravity"
taken from the Butchering Cosmic Giants EP

Artificial Brain on Facebook

Artificial Brain on IG

Artificial Brain on Massacre Merch

Artificial Brain (on Profound Lore Bandcamp)

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Nights At Saint Vitus
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