Here is the 31st installment of the Dreams of Consciousness podcast, featuring interviews with Black Fast's Aaron Akin, Artificial Brain's William Smith, and Topsy and Holm of Sanitys Dawn. These were recorded over three different nights during three different shows at Saint Vitus Bar in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Artificial Brain were a last minute replacement for Gath Šmânê as openers for Mitochondrion, Phobocosm and Auroch. I'd never officially met William before, but we have a lot of friends in common in the NY scene, including members of Grey Skies Fallen and his other band Buckshot Facelift. He's a hell of a frontman and a sweetheart of a guy. We talked about his onstage persona "Big Baby Brain" and the upcoming Artificial Brain album, as well as what Buckshot is up to.
My thanks to everyone who took the time to talk to me, and to you for listening.
Black Fast - To Propogate The Voidtaken from the album Terms of Surrender
Black Fast - Obelisk
taken from the album Starving Out The Light
Black Fast - Virulent Cognition
taken from the EP Black Fast
Artificial Brain - Frozen Planets
Artificial Brain - Absorbing Black Ignition
taken from the album Labyrinth Constellation
Sanitys Dawn - Kill You
taken from the split with Magrudergrind
Sanitys Dawn - Fed Up
taken from the split with Yacøpsæ
Sanitys Dawn - Mangled in the Meatgrinder
taken from the album Mangled in the Meatgrinder
Sanitys Dawn - Mutilation
taken from the album Cryptic Menu
Black Fast on Facebook
Black Fast on Bandcamp
Artificial Brain on Facebook
Artificial Brain on Bandcamp
Labyrinth Constellation through Profound Lore
Sanitys Dawn on Facebook