Flesh of the Womb • Imperceptum • The Sun and The Mirror Pisswitch • Aludra • Sataray • GRAVKVADE |
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Flesh of the Womb: "Settle your wounds"
taken from the album "Absent"
Imperceptum: "Beyond the Gates of Cosmic Mysteries"
taken from the album "Entity of Undead Stars"
The Sun and The Mirror: "Katherinella Angustri"
taken from the album "Dissolution to salt and bone"
Pisswitch: "Night Soil"
taken from the Pisswitch / St Barthelemy's Temple split EP
Aludra: "Out of Chaos"
taken from the album "Mass Stellar Graves"
Sataray: "Hexen Nacht"
taken from the EP "Blood Trine Moon"
GRAVKVADE: "Av Hopplösheten Förtärd"
taken from the album "GRAV|RUIN"