Megalith Levitation • Bloodsoaked Necrovoid • KRVVLA • Eucharist • St. Barthelemy's Temple • Oxalate • Convocation • Turris Eburnea • Coil • Void Rot |
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Megalith Levitation: "Datura Revelations / Lysergic Phantoms"
taken from the album "Void Psalms"
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid: "Encased Emanations of Scourging Suffering"
taken from the Astriferous / Bloodsoaked Necrovoid split 7"
taken from the album "X"
Eucharist: "Demons"
taken from the album "Mirrorworlds"
St Barthelemy's Temple: "To The Baneful Oblivion"
taken from the Pisswitch / St Barthelemy's Temple split
Oxalate: "Unwholesome Revelation"
taken from the album "Infatuating Sickness"
Convocation: "Misery Form"
taken from the album "Ashes Coalesce"
Turris Eburnea: "Cotard Delusion"
taken from the album "Turris Eburnea"
Coil: "The Hellbound Heart"
taken from the album "The Unreleased Themes For Hellraiser"
Void Rot: "Liminal Forms"
taken from the album "Descending Pillars"