Sunday, January 26, 2025

365: Defeated Sanity

Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 365 features an interview with Jacob Schmidt of Defeated Sanity.

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Formed in the early Nineties by the father-son team of Wolfgang Teske and Lille Gruberand, Defeated Sanity began as a fairly typical brutal death metal act, albeit with a higher level of complexity than most. Now an international act with members spread across Europe and the US, the band have become one of the most influential and respected figures in technical death metal.

I spoke with bassist Jacob Schmidt about how technicality creates opportunities for originality, and his approach to playing bass for death metal. We also discussed why the band flew to New York to record their latest album Chronicles of Lunacy with Colin Marston, and whether this is the fastest album the band has recorded.

My thanks again to Jacob for speaking with me, and to you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

taken from the album Passages Into Deformity

"Generosity Of The Deceased"
taken from the album Disposal Of The Dead // Dharmata

"Extrinsically Enraged"
"Condemned To Vascular Famine"
taken from the album Chronicles of Lunacy

Defeated Sanity on Facebook

Defeated Sanity on IG

Defeated Sanity on Bandcamp

Order/Stream Chronicles of Lunacy

Defeated Sanity Merch [through Here Tees Merch]

Defeated Sanity Merch [through Bigcartel]

Chronicles of Lunacy [on the Season of Mist webshop]

Technically Dead (The Best Kind of Dead)

Episode 324:
Atrae Bilis
an interview
with Ingurgitating Oblivion