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Hailing from Belgium (the home of Tintin and waffles), Mother brings the ambitious conceptual side of progressive rock to atmospheric/shoegazing black metal. The trio (comprised of brothers Tuur and Toon Soete, along with bassist Lynn Claus) plan their albums in advance with an overarching sense of continuity in mind - not just musically or thematically, but visually as well.
I spoke with vocalist/guitarist Tuur Soete about the way progressive bands influenced Mother, and why the band doesn't conform to standard song lengths or structures. We also discussed the ways their second album II is connected to their debut I, and if this approach will continue on to the next album.
My thanks again to Tuur for speaking with me, and to you for listening.
Music In This Episode:
taken from the album I
"II" (excerpts)
taken from the album II
Mother on Facebook
Mother on IG
Mother on Bandcamp
Mother II on Black Vinyl [through Consouling Sounds]
Mother II on Ash Grey Vinyl [through Consouling Sounds]
Mother II on CD [through Consouling Sounds]
Tintin and Waffles: