Sunday, December 1, 2024

354: Human Impact

Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 354 features an interview with Chris Spencer and Jim Coleman of Human Impact.

[cover photo by Andrew Schneider]

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photo by Jim Coleman
Formed by members of Unsane, Cop Shoot Cop, Swans, and Daughters, Human Impact spans several eras and styles of heavy music. The band adds a modern, industrial component to their abrasive style of noise rock/post-hardcore.

Guitarist/vocalist Chris Spencer and keyboardist/sampler Jim Coleman returned to the podcast to speak about about why their new material is more oriented to be played live, and whether a change in geography affected their sound. We also discussed how the new Human Impact line-up came together, and the dangers of technology depicted on their latest album, Gone Dark.

My thanks again to Chris and Jim for speaking with me, and to you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

taken from the album Human Impact

taken from the album Gone Dark

Human Impact on Facebook

Human Impact on Bandcamp

Human Impact on IG

Ipecac Recordings Webstore (through Blixt Merchandise)

Noise For Music's Sake:

Episode 311:
Edley ODowd
Episode 288:
Tom Hazelmyer

Episode 121:
Human Impact (2020)