Monday, November 13, 2023

301: Wayfarer

Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 301 features an interview with Shane McCarthy of Wayfarer.

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Wayfarer's approach to heavy music is uniquely informed by their region. The Colorado band's mix of black and doom metal features a prominent country/folk music influence - making their music distinctly American, even within the scope of USBM.

I spoke with guitarist/vocalist Shane McCarthy about the ways living in Colorado shaped Wayfarer's sound, and what constitutes "Americana". We also discussed the Western elements that are prominent on their latest album American Gothic, and why he doesn't consider their new songs a departure from their previous albums.

My thanks to Shane for speaking with me, and to you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

"The Iron Horse (Gallows Frontier, Act II)"
taken from the album A Romance With Violence

"Cities Built on Conquered Ground"
taken from the album Children Of The Iron Age

"To Enter My House Justified"
"The Cattle Thief"
taken from the album American Gothic [European orders]

Wayfarer on Bandcamp

Wayfarer on Facebook

Wayfarer on IG

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