Sunday, September 24, 2023

P O S T I E [Weekly Mixtape 90]

October Tide • The Devil's Trade • Deadly Carnage • Omen Astra • Radiant Knife
Great Falls • Sleep Maps • The Moth • Haurun • Mizmor

Direct Download [right click + "Save As"]

Music On This Mixtape:

October Tide: "Blodfattig"
taken from the album "The Cancer Pledge"

The Devil's Trade: "Vidékek vannak idebenn"
taken from the album "Vidékek vannak idebenn"

Deadly Carnage: "Mononoke"
taken from the album "Endless Blue"

Omen Astra: "The City That Burns"
taken from the album "The End Of Everything"

Radiant Knife: "Phil Collins Was Right"
taken from the album "Pressure"

Great Falls: "The Starveling"
taken from the album "Objects Without Pain"

Sleep Maps: "Vapor"
taken from the album "Reclaim Chaos"

The Moth: "Cathedral"
taken from the album "Frost"

Haurun: "Lunar"
taken from the album "Wilting Within"

Mizmor: "Anything But"
taken from the album "Prosaic"