Sunday, September 25, 2022

245: Greber

Dreams of Consciousness Podcast Episode 245 features an interview with Marc Bourgon of Greber.

[cover photo by Austin Gibson]

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photo by Austin Gibson
editing by Youth and Rust

Ontario's Greber didn't let an errant guitarist stop them from rocking out; instead, they hulked up their bass to sound impossibly gnarly and opressive, and continued as a duo. Over a decade later, the two of them continue to find new ways to blend noise rock, grindcore and sludge - all without the input of any diva lead guitarists.

For the final week of DoC's "Grindtember", I spoke with Greber bassist/vocalist Marc Bourgon about why he and drummer Steve Vargas decided to forego guitars, and how key words gestate into songs. We also discussed how Marc achieves his unique bass sound, and recording the latest Greber album Fright Without in the thick of a fear-stricken pandemic.

My thanks to Marc for speaking with me, and to all of you for listening.

Music In This Episode:

"Our Burnt Treasure"
"Grave Plot"
taken from the album Cemetery Preston

"Into Silence"
taken from the album Fright Without

Greber on Facebook

Greber on Bandcamp

Greber on IG

Be Kind, Regrind:

Episode 243:
Herida Profunda

Episode 242:

an interview
with Greber