Here is the 90th installment of the Dreams of Consciousness podcast, featuring an interview with Dome Diego of Italian death metal band Fulci.
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Based in the southern Italian city of Caserta, Fulci combine two things near and dear to my heart - death metal and horror movies. The band was created in tribute to the maestro of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, and use his films as inspiration for their pit-friendly brutal death metal.
I got in touch with Fulci guitarist Dome and conducted the interview over Facebook Messenger. From a cemetery in his hometown (how kvlt is that?), he spoke with me about his band's history, their recent U.S. tour, and their second album Tropical Sun. Dome also discussed the DIY collective Caserta Beatdown Commandos (CBC United), of which he and Fulci are a part.
My thanks to Dome for speaking with me, and to you for listening.
Opening The Hell GatesAmong the walking dead
taken from the album Opening The Hell Gates
Church of the Undead
Genetic Zombification
Tropical Sun
taken from the album Tropical Sun
Fulci on Facebook
Fulci on Instagram
Fulci on Bandcamp
Order Tropical Sun through Time To Kill Records
CBC United
CBC United on Bandcamp

Trilogy of Terror: