Friday, January 30, 2015

Mixtape 17: Ladies Night

Here is the 17th installment of the Dreams of Consciousness podcast, featuring an interview I did with Nenett of XRDM and "Djent" Jia of Naratu and Perimeter Breach. I conducted the interview at the end of 2014 while Chaos in Rumah Api 2 was going on, but the idea for this podcast has been germinating since I saw Exkoriator at my very first visit to Rumah Api. Since then I've seen more female-fronted bands, both local and foreign, in that space than anywhere else I've lived. It seemed like a subject worth its own episode even if some of these bands have appeared on the podcast multiple times before. [Coincidentally, an issue of Shock & Awe with the exact same theme came out the same week-end as our interview...what are you going to do?]

My thanks again to "Djent" and Nenett for taking the time to talk to me.


XRDM (Sabah, Malaysia) - Faceless
taken from the S/T cassette
XRDM on Facebook
XRDM on Bandcamp

Naratu (Malaysia) - Pergi Mampus 
Naratu on Facebook

Tormentress (Singapore) - Thrash and Torment (thanks Gwen!!!)
taken from the album Operation Torment
Tormentress on Facebook

Exkoriator (Singapore) -  Kiluminati
taken from the Capitalist War Holocaust 4way split

Purgatory (Thailand) - Epistle From Hell
taken from the album Part 1: The Earth
Purgatory on Facebook

Dei Tetra (Thailand) - Devotees to Flame
taken from the Devotees to Flame EP
Dei Tetra on Facebook

Dance! On Your Grave (Sarawak, Malaysia) - This Is My War
taken from the Civil Disorder EP
Dance! On Your Grave on Facebook
Dance! On Your Grave on Bandcamp

Anhura (Philippines) -  Empyrean Ascent
taken from their upcoming third album
Anhura on Facebook