Released at the beginning of 2012, the self-titled debut of In the Company of Serpents slipped way under my radar; I'm glad it found me before the year was over. This is excellent doom metal, walking solidly in Sleep's footsteps. Available as a digital download for $5, and worth every penny. [Note: Though it's not on the Bandcamp page, the album comes with a cover of Electric Wizard's "Vinum Sabbathi."]
I could have been fooled into thinking that Necronomicon's The Queen of Death was recorded in the 70's, and only unearthed now. The Brazilian trio do the proto-Sabbath "occult rock" thing, and from the bassy production, to the psychedelic keyboards, to the vocals, they have the style down pat. I usually wrinkle my nose at retro fetishists (looking at you, thrashers in white sneakers), but I have to respect the lengths to which Necronomicon went for authenticity. And since it's free, this six song EP is almost compulsory for fans of the style. Black light poster not included, sadly.
War Wolf might be Britain's answer to Trap Them, as Riding With Demons finds the three-piece putting HM2 pedals to good use in the service of vein-popping, Entombed-loving hardcore. [As an aside, have War Wolf met Waranimal? That's a tour that needs to happen.] Available as a "name your price" download, these 8 songs are recommended for any HC kid with a case of the Wolverine Blues.
Further evidence that Canadians are really angry these days is the self-titled EP by Trench. Produced by Fuck the Facts' Topon Das, this four-song EP is feedback-drenched metallic hardcore in the Converge vein, and available as a "name your price" download. [Also available on Bandcamp and worth checking out: the EP and demo that Trench released under their previous, wisely abandoned name The Gillingham Fire Demonstration.]
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Saturday, December 22, 2012
Bandcamp Picks: In the Company of Serpents, Necronomicon, War Wolf, Trench
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War Wolf